Articles Posted in Interesting Cases

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camp lejeune
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune is a United States military training facility in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The water supply at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base was polluted with toxic chemicals from 1953 through 1987.  More than  1 million individuals were exposed to these toxins, which caused many residents to get cancer and often die prematurely.

To correct their faults, the Honoring Our PACT Act was introduced in June 2021 by Representative Mark Takano (D-CA), guided by the input of toxic-exposed veterans, lawmakers from both sides, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and others.  The bill was signed into law today; August 10, 2022. 

According to the bill (H.R. 3967), the Honoring Our PACT Act will provide eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) medical care, mental health services, and counseling to veterans who:  

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The answer is not always as black and white as it seems. If you fall due to a store’s negligence like slippery floors or uneven ground then yes, that could be considered grounds for a lawsuit. However, if your slip and fall was merely an accident then no, there are no legal grounds for suing the store. So what does this mean for someone who falls in a store? It means they will need to report their injury to the manager immediately so that they are able to receive medical attention right away if needed. They should also document what happened with pictures of any injuries before leaving the scene of the incident because these photos may help prove liability in court later down the line if a settlement before trial is not reached. 

If you have fallen in a grocery store, call our office today at 617-444-7777 to receive a free consultation.

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1. Not Filing a Police Report

  • Filing a police report is essential in maintaining a strong case. By providing documentation of the accident, the police report allows for an unbiased third-party account of the incident. It legitimizes the claim the victim has, while also providing effectual evidence in comparison to hearsay from either the victim or the plaintiff.

2. Not Seeking Medical Attention

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Insurance companies like to play games with innocent injury victims. Don’t fall for their tricks and traps. Here are seven insider secrets insurance adjusters don’t want you to know about. 

  1. When Insurance companies tell you that their offer is final, they are not telling you the truth. Nearly every adjuster can get additional settlement authority from a supervisor to settle a case. 
  2. You do NOT have to sign anything. Never sign something an insurance adjuster sends to you without having it first reviewed by an attorney. 
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When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins. 

To begin, the first deadly sin is assuming the insurance company is on your side. Insurance companies are in the business of making money. They will often make it difficult to pay money out to deserving injury victims. Insurance companies will only take you and your case seriously once proof is shown and it’s evident that you mean business. The best way to do this is to hire an attorney to help you, assuming you need one for your case. 

The second deadly sin is giving the insurance company a recorded statement. This should be avoided at all costs, however, if you have already given a recorded statement to the insurance company, we can help undo any damage the recorded statement may have caused to your claim.

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Al respecto, cuando se compra un coche o se alquila un apartamento, hay que tener en cuenta muchas cosas, como el seguro, la calidad, el vecindario, etc. Es lo mismo a la hora de contratar a un abogado. Así como es importante contratar al abogado correcto, también es importante no equivocarse de representante. Hay algunas cosas en las que uno se debe fijar cuando está buscando el abogado adecuado. 

Para empezar, ¿tiene el abogado un historial de quejas éticas? Si es así, quizás sea el momento de buscar otro abogado. Hay una gran cantidad de abogados que no tienen ningún cargo disciplinario presentado contra ellos. Siempre, revise el sitio web “’‘ para buscar un abogado que le interese y guste, para representarse. Si él o ella tiene un historial disciplinario manchado, puede ser una señal mala e indicación que debería seguir buscando otro abogado. 

En segundo lugar, ¿le promete el abogado un acuerdo rápido? Eso también puede ser una señal de alarma, no hay duda de que los casos de lesiones personales y de compensación de los trabajadores pueden tomar un tiempo considerable para resolver, a veces el proceso puede tomar muchos meses y a veces incluso años para resolver un caso. Cualquier abogado que le diga lo contrario, no está siendo sincero con usted. 

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Dicen que los perros son el mejor amigo del hombre, y por la mayoría del tiempo si lo son; sin embargo, como todo en la vida, hay una excepción a la regla. Sin aviso o advertencia, un perro puede atacar y no es agradable ni placentero para el perro, el dueño o la víctima. En Massachusetts, la ley de mordeduras de perro se establece en MGL c 140, s 155. La mayoría de las veces, el dueño del perro es responsable de las lesiones sufridas en el ataque, con excepciones que incluyen la víctima invadiendo un terreno, cometiendo un delito o abusando del perro. Mientras que la mayoría de los estados exigen que el demandante demuestre la existencia de una agresión previa por parte del perro, Massachusetts no lo hace. Los legisladores del estado se empeñaron en crear directrices estrictas en referencia a las mordeduras de perro, dado lo graves y comunes que son en el estado. 

Según la Asociación Médica Veterinaria Americana, más de la mitad de los residentes de Massachusetts tienen una mascota, y 1 de cada 4 hogares tiene un perro. Además, según el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts, cada año se aproximan 6,300 lesiones por mordedura de perro. Las lesiones más comunes por mordedura de perro incluyen fracturas de huesos, cicatrices, infecciones (incluida la rabia), pérdida de tejidos y laceraciones. El departamento de salud informa de que las lesiones en la cabeza y la cara son más comunes en los niños, mientras que las de los adultos suelen consistir en brazos y piernas. Desde el momento que ocurre el accidente, la víctima tiene hasta tres años después para presentar una demanda.

Para prevenir una mordedura de perro, es importante que el dueño socialice al perro, reduciendo el riesgo de que muerda por miedo. En los casos en los que no se aplica la ley de mordeduras de perro, el propietario tiene dos defensas principales: allanamiento y provocación. Si la víctima de la mordedura estaba invadiendo una propiedad privada sin permiso, el propietario no puede enfrentarse a una demanda por lesiones relacionadas con el perro. Del mismo modo, si la víctima estaba provocando al perro (molestando y atormentando a propósito, o incluso abusando del perro), el propietario no es responsable.  

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Attorney Nina Kallen over at the Insurance Coverage in Massachusetts blog has a post regarding the recent case of Advanced Spine Centers, Inc. v. Pilgrim Insurance.  This case establishes that a PIP claimant is still entitled to PIP benefits even if the claimant does not submit all paperwork requested by the PIP carrier.  As long as the PIP carrier has all the necessary information it needs to evaluate the claim, then no other information is required to be produced by the claimant.  Although a small win, it is a win nonetheless for all car accident victims throughout Massachusetts.  

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This is a very important topic that cannot be stressed enough.  Here is a great post that I found over at the Springfield Injury Law Blog that has a great post on this very topic.  Here it is:

One Tweet Can Tank Your Personal Injury Case

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"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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