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If you’ve been in an accident, an insurance adjuster will most likely contact you. Besides being nice to you, the adjuster will want you to sign a medical authorization form. This will allow the insurance company to obtain not only medical records related to the accident, but also medical records that predate the accident. You don’t have to sign this document.

The adjuster has no legal authority to require you to sign ANY medical authorization form. All she wants to do is to use these pre-accident records against you. She will argue that the injuries you claim to have suffered in this accident are pre-existing.

The insurance adjuster’s main goal is to get your case settled as quickly as possible before you get a chance to even consult with an attorney. This happens all the time to unsuspecting people. The insurance adjuster will pressure you to sign a release which will end the case. The release is an official legal document. It is a contract. It is an agreement which states in exchange for the insurance company paying you a sum of money, the case will be closed, forever.

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Business owners have to keep their premises safe, so as to avoid negligently allowing any lawful visitors to the property to become injured. If a property owner’s negligence causes someone to slip and fall, that person can potentially file a claim or lawsuit against the property owner. There is no way to completely avoid these claims if you own property. However, there are ways to cut down on the number of potential hazards that can cause personal injuries that give rise to these accident claims. Here are some of them:

1. Always make sure to have regular, periodic sweeps to check for the presence of leaks or spills;

2. Make sure the premises are always adequately lighted;

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Dogs provide loving and loyal companionship. However, they are animals and from time to time, some dogs attack and bite innocent people. When these incidents occur, personal injuries can result. As accident lawyers we see these incidents occur quite frequently to our clients. There are an estimated 900 people each day that are brought to hospitals due to dog bites. These incidents are extremely common. Many of these victims naturally wonder if they can sue for their injuries. Massachusetts dog bite law is set forth here:

If any dog shall do any damage to either the body or property of any person, the owner or keeper, or if the owner or keeper be a minor, the parent or guardian of such minor, shall be

liable for such damage, unless such damage shall have been occasioned to the body or property of a person who, at the time such damage was sustained, was committing a trespass or other tort, or was teasing, tormenting or abusing such a dog. If a minor, on whose behalf an action under this section is brought, is under seven years of age at the time the damage was done, it shall be presumed that such minor was not committing a trespass or other tort, or teasing, tormenting or abusing such dog, and the burden of proof thereof shall be upon the defendant in such action. You may think your back problem is adequately compensated with a $5000 settlement.

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Los perros son una compañía cariñosa y leal. Sin embargo, son animales y, de vez en cuando, algunos perros atacan y muerden a personas inocentes. Cuando estos incidentes ocurren, las lesiones personales pueden resultar. Como abogados de accidentes vemos que estos incidentes ocurren con bastante frecuencia a nuestros clientes. Hay un estimado de 900 personas cada día que son llevados a los hospitales debido a las mordeduras de perro. Estos incidentes son extremadamente comunes. Muchas de estas víctimas naturalmente se preguntan si pueden demandar por sus lesiones. La ley de mordeduras de perro de Massachusetts se establece aquí:

Si un perro causa algún daño al cuerpo o a la propiedad de una persona, el dueño o el guardián, o si el dueño o el guardián es un menor, el padre o el tutor de dicho menor, será responsable de dichos daños, a menos que éstos hayan sido causados al cuerpo o a la propiedad de una persona que, en el momento en que se produjeron, estaba cometiendo una infracción u otro agravio, o se estaba burlando, atormentando o abusando de dicho perro. Si un menor, en cuyo nombre se interpone una acción en virtud de esta sección, es menor de siete años de edad en el momento en que se produjo el daño, se presumirá que dicho menor no estaba cometiendo una intrusión u otro agravio, o burlándose, atormentando o abusando de dicho perro, y la carga de la prueba recaerá en el demandado en dicha acción. Usted puede pensar que su problema de espalda está adecuadamente compensado con un acuerdo de 5.000 dólares.

Pero, ¿y si resulta que tiene una hernia discal que requerirá cirugía, lo que le hará correr un mayor riesgo de artritis a medida que envejezca? ¿Qué pasa si usted requerirá más cirugías de espalda en el futuro? Un caso así vale más de 100.000 dólares, o incluso más. No se dispare en el pie dejando dinero sobre la mesa. Lo que esto significa es que si usted ha sido mordido o atacado por un perro, tiene derecho a demandar al dueño del perro, al cuidador del perro o a ambos.

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Si ha sufrido una lesión en un accidente, un resbalón o una mordedura de perro, lo más probable es que necesite un abogado para que lo ayude con su caso.  Un abogado es una necesidad cuando se trata de lesiones graves y, lo que es mejor, la mayoría de los abogados especializados en lesiones personales sólo cobran si ganan su caso o consiguen un acuerdo.  Casi todos los abogados en Estados Unidos manejan reclamos de accidentes en base a honorarios de contingencia. Mucha gente se pregunta si tiene sentido pagar a un abogado 1/3 del acuerdo. Los estudios demuestran que incluso después de que el abogado reciba su 1/3 de los honorarios, usted seguirá recibiendo más dinero que si hubiera llevado el caso por su cuenta. 

En concreto, el Consejo de Investigación de Seguros descubrió que las víctimas de accidentes de coche recibieron un acuerdo aproximadamente 3,5 veces superior al que habrían recibido si no hubieran tenido un abogado en el caso. Además, aparte de conseguirle un acuerdo justo, el abogado puede asegurarse de que todos los demás asuntos sean atendidos, como la gestión de todo el papeleo, el trato con la compañía de seguros y la negociación de un acuerdo para usted. Además, un abogado cualificado y con experiencia puede ayudarle a dormir por la noche, ya que no tiene que preocuparse de que la compañía de seguros se aproveche de usted. Cuando se tiene un problema médico, no se intenta practicar la medicina en uno mismo. 

Del mismo modo, si usted tiene un problema legal, como ser la víctima de un accidente, no se practica la ley y representarse a sí mismo. Obtenga ayuda legal hoy para su caso de un abogado experimentado, honesto y agresivo. El proceso legal es uno en el que nunca se debe incurrir. Además, un abogado proporciona tranquilidad. Ya es bastante difícil lidiar con los problemas físicos y emocionales de un accidente. No tener ayuda legal de su lado puede hacer que toda la situación sea aún peor. Usted puede estar tranquilo cuando usted tiene un abogado que va a batear para usted.

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When you become injured due to someone else’s negligence (in this example we’ll use a Slip and Fall), they become liable for your injuries. If you slip and fell on someone’s property, the owner of the property most likely has insurance. This type of insurance is called general liability insurance. The insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case. The insurance adjuster will call you and send a letter with forms for you to sign. They will ask how you are doing, what pain or injuries you experienced in the fall, etc. . They’ll sound super helpful and caring on the phone and will even recommend you DON’T get a lawyer, because they will take care of everything. 

This is nonsense. The insurance adjuster is calling you for one simple reason: to limit the amount they have to pay for your injury claim. Please keep in mind that insurance companies are massive, for profit companies. They are in the business of making the most money they can. Therefore, when a claim is submitted, they want to do whatever they can to pay as little as they can. You should never trust an insurance adjuster because the last thing an insurance company wants to do is give you fair compensation. 

You should never give an insurance company a recorded statement, even if the adjuster says they want a quick recording to nail down some points about the accident- say NO. Recorded statements help the insurance adjusters twist and manipulate the facts on how the accident actually occurred. These recorded statements can damage your case. 

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Workers compensation is a system that provides financial protection to employees who are injured on the job. It’s not just for construction workers, factory workers, and miners anymore. More than ever before, white collar jobs are becoming physical in nature. If you’re at risk of injury because of your profession, it may be worth looking into what benefits come with Massachusetts Workers Compensation Insurance coverage which can cover medical bills and lost wages if something does happen to you while on the job.

  1. Workers Compensation is your legal right
    1. Almost all workers are covered by Workers’ Compensation. You are covered no matter how many hours you work per week or how your employer pays you. You are covered even if you are paid in cash “under the table.”. You are covered even if you are a volunteer or work for no pay, if the injury or illness occurs on the job
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Personal Injury cases are much different than what is shown on tv series and movies. This leads to a lot of misconceptions and myths regarding Personal Injury. Here are 3 common personal injury myths: 

  1. A Personal Injury Claim Will Resolve Quickly
    1. This common myth can lead to unrealistic expectations. The length of time regarding a personal injury claim being resolved depends on many things. Due to length of treatment, the discovery process, status of negotiations, and sometimes even trial can lengthen the case process. 
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En un caso de lesiones personales, si la víctima ha sufrido algún tipo de daño, ya sea una lesión, un daño a la propiedad o cualquier otro tipo de pérdida, la víctima (también conocida como demandante) puede pedir una indemnización a quien haya causado o contribuido a las pérdidas. La indemnización también se conoce como daños y perjuicios.

En la ley de daños personales, los tipos de daños concedidos son compensatorios y punitivos. En general, aunque hay muchos tipos de daños compensatorios, se pueden dividir en daños generales o especiales. Los daños compensatorios se centran en reembolsar al perjudicado por el daño sufrido. Estos daños también se utilizan para conceder al demandante en casos de muerte por negligencia.

Además, los daños punitivos se conceden sólo en un pequeño número de casos. Los daños punitivos se conceden al demandante para castigar al demandado por ciertos tipos de comportamiento despreciable. Ambos tipos de daños se conceden a la parte perjudicada o al demandante.

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Surviving a New England winter is a skill most Massachusetts residents have perfected, but driving in inclement weather is in a whole different category. Statistically speaking, October tends to be the month with the most accidents in

 Massachusetts, however, as the winter approaches- the weather increases the chances of car accidents. In addition, many slip and fall accidents happen during this season. Snow and ice related accidents can present many challenges to their respective victims, and it’s important to consult with an attorney to discuss the rights and proper procedures regarding these cases. Accidents may occur if a property owner fails to remove snow and ice from their home or business. 

The most common injuries from snow and ice accidents are broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and concussions. Unfortunately, these injuries require emergency and long-term medical treatment. Even with insurance, treatments tend to be costly and can deter the victim’s ability to obtain sufficient employment. In cases like these, victims should pursue damages against the negligent party. 

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"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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