Articles Posted in Product Liability Law

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Cuando se trata de reclamaciones por la causa de accidentes, tener cuidado es esencial ya que la decisión equivocada podría destruir tu reclamo. Como abogado que ha estado representando a víctimas de lesiones personales durante casi dos décadas, me he acostumbrado a cómo funciona el proceso en casos como estos, conocidos como los 5 pecados capitales. 

Para empezar, el primer pecado mortal es asumir que la compañía de seguros está de su lado. Las compañías de seguros están en el negocio con el fin de hacer dinero. A menudo, dificultan el pago a las víctimas de lesiones. Las compañías de seguros sólo te tomarán en serio a ti y a tu caso una vez que se muestren pruebas y sea evidente que vas en serio. La mejor manera de hacerlo es contratar a un abogado para que te ayude, suponiendo que necesite uno para su caso. 

El segundo pecado mortal es dar a la compañía de seguros una declaración grabada. Esto debe evitarse siempre, sin embargo, si usted ya ha dado una declaración grabada a la compañía de seguros, podemos ayudar a deshacer cualquier daño que la declaración grabada puede haber causado a su reclamo.

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When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins. 

To begin, the first deadly sin is assuming the insurance company is on your side. Insurance companies are in the business of making money. They will often make it difficult to pay money out to deserving injury victims. Insurance companies will only take you and your case seriously once proof is shown and it’s evident that you mean business. The best way to do this is to hire an attorney to help you, assuming you need one for your case. 

The second deadly sin is giving the insurance company a recorded statement. This should be avoided at all costs, however, if you have already given a recorded statement to the insurance company, we can help undo any damage the recorded statement may have caused to your claim.

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Al respecto, cuando se compra un coche o se alquila un apartamento, hay que tener en cuenta muchas cosas, como el seguro, la calidad, el vecindario, etc. Es lo mismo a la hora de contratar a un abogado. Así como es importante contratar al abogado correcto, también es importante no equivocarse de representante. Hay algunas cosas en las que uno se debe fijar cuando está buscando el abogado adecuado. 

Para empezar, ¿tiene el abogado un historial de quejas éticas? Si es así, quizás sea el momento de buscar otro abogado. Hay una gran cantidad de abogados que no tienen ningún cargo disciplinario presentado contra ellos. Siempre, revise el sitio web “’‘ para buscar un abogado que le interese y guste, para representarse. Si él o ella tiene un historial disciplinario manchado, puede ser una señal mala e indicación que debería seguir buscando otro abogado. 

En segundo lugar, ¿le promete el abogado un acuerdo rápido? Eso también puede ser una señal de alarma, no hay duda de que los casos de lesiones personales y de compensación de los trabajadores pueden tomar un tiempo considerable para resolver, a veces el proceso puede tomar muchos meses y a veces incluso años para resolver un caso. Cualquier abogado que le diga lo contrario, no está siendo sincero con usted. 

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Similar to buying a car, or even renting an apartment – there are many things to consider when hiring an attorney. Just as important it is to hire the right lawyer, it is equally important to avoid hiring the wrong one. Here’s some things to look out for as you search for the right lawyer to handle your case

To begin with, does the lawyer have a history of receiving ethical complaints? If so, maybe it’s time to look for another lawyer. There’s an abundance of lawyers that do not have any disciplinary charges filed against them. Always, always check out to search for an attorney that you were interested in hiring. If he or she has a spotty disciplinary history, that may be a red flag. 

Secondly, is the attorney promising you a quick settlement? That too may be a red flag to look out for, there is no question that personal injury and workers’ compensation cases can take a considerable time to settle. Sometimes the process can take many months and sometimes even many years to settle a case. Any lawyer who tells you differently, is not being upfront and honest with you. 

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There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors:

1) Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of cases)?

2) Was the client injured?

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For people with Stryker hip implants, please be advised that Stryker has recalled two hip replacement products.  It has recalled the Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II modular hip implant products.  The reason for the recall is that it was discovered these devices can cause metal poisoning to those with the implants, and cause very serious personal injuries.  Therefore, if you have one of these hip products implanted, you may have a claim if you have been harmed by either the Stryker Rejuvenate or ABG II modular hip implant.

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The following is a great guest post by Maryland Personal Injury Attorney Ronald Miller of Miller & Zois regarding a recent Massachusetts case involving Virbram footwear.  Here is this incisive post:

Critics of our legal system often complain that too many people – and too many lawyers – pursue frivolous lawsuits that do nothing but enrich plaintiffs. A recent Massachusetts case against Vibram, Bezdek v. Vibram USA, underscores this problem.

In this case, the maker of a “barefoot” running shoe, may feel like one of those cases at first glance. Upon further inspection I think the case raises a number of important legal issues that are meant to protect consumers and require ethical marketing from the manufacturers of consumer products.

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How Insurance Companies Value Personal Injury Cases

Although no two insurance companies have the same approach, there are some common elements on how insurance companies value personal injury cases.  Here are some, but not all of them:

1) Is liability on the part of the insured person(s) or company clear, and if not, is there any liability at all? An example would be a a slip and fall accident claim.  The insurance adjuster will closely analyze and evaluate whether or not the insured could be considered negligent in causing, or contributing to the accident.

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What Is Negligence?

Negligence in Massachusetts, and in all states, means failing to act reasonably in a situation and causing injury to a person(s) as a direct result.  As a Boston accident lawyer, negligence is the lynchpin of each case my office handles. Whether it be a Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall, or any other type of personal injury case, the injury victim must prove the following elements in order to win a negligence case against a defendant:

1) The defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care.  This means that the one who caused the injuries had a legal duty to act in a reasonable manner toward the victim.  An example of a duty of care is that we all have a duty while driving not to drive into the rear of the car in front of us.

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Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases and Settlement Funding

This is a topic I deal with quite frequently when representing personal injury victims. Often, my clients will call me and tell me the accident they were involved in has financially harmed them so much, they are willing to take a loan out.  For example, suppose the client was riding a bicycle and was hit by a car.  The person may be really injured, racking up medical bills, and maybe lost wages, too.  Sometimes the client will see an ad on television from companies that provide funding to people injured in an accident and that have an open case pending with an insurance company.

The loan is typically financed by a pre-settlement funding company. When my clients ask me about this option, I try very hard to persuade them not to take out such a loan, because the interest rates can be very daunting.  Basically, the way it works is this: the pre-settlement funding company will closely analyze the client’s case, and loan application, and then decide whether or not the case is strong enough to guarantee the company will recoup their money, once the case settles.

Raving Fans
"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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