Articles Posted in Massachusetts Personal Injury Trials

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Similar to buying a car, or even renting an apartment – there are many things to consider when hiring an attorney. Just as important it is to hire the right lawyer, it is equally important to avoid hiring the wrong one. Here’s some things to look out for as you search for the right lawyer to handle your case

To begin with, does the lawyer have a history of receiving ethical complaints? If so, maybe it’s time to look for another lawyer. There’s an abundance of lawyers that do not have any disciplinary charges filed against them. Always, always check out to search for an attorney that you were interested in hiring. If he or she has a spotty disciplinary history, that may be a red flag. 

Secondly, is the attorney promising you a quick settlement? That too may be a red flag to look out for, there is no question that personal injury and workers’ compensation cases can take a considerable time to settle. Sometimes the process can take many months and sometimes even many years to settle a case. Any lawyer who tells you differently, is not being upfront and honest with you. 

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Dicen que los perros son el mejor amigo del hombre, y por la mayoría del tiempo si lo son; sin embargo, como todo en la vida, hay una excepción a la regla. Sin aviso o advertencia, un perro puede atacar y no es agradable ni placentero para el perro, el dueño o la víctima. En Massachusetts, la ley de mordeduras de perro se establece en MGL c 140, s 155. La mayoría de las veces, el dueño del perro es responsable de las lesiones sufridas en el ataque, con excepciones que incluyen la víctima invadiendo un terreno, cometiendo un delito o abusando del perro. Mientras que la mayoría de los estados exigen que el demandante demuestre la existencia de una agresión previa por parte del perro, Massachusetts no lo hace. Los legisladores del estado se empeñaron en crear directrices estrictas en referencia a las mordeduras de perro, dado lo graves y comunes que son en el estado. 

Según la Asociación Médica Veterinaria Americana, más de la mitad de los residentes de Massachusetts tienen una mascota, y 1 de cada 4 hogares tiene un perro. Además, según el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts, cada año se aproximan 6,300 lesiones por mordedura de perro. Las lesiones más comunes por mordedura de perro incluyen fracturas de huesos, cicatrices, infecciones (incluida la rabia), pérdida de tejidos y laceraciones. El departamento de salud informa de que las lesiones en la cabeza y la cara son más comunes en los niños, mientras que las de los adultos suelen consistir en brazos y piernas. Desde el momento que ocurre el accidente, la víctima tiene hasta tres años después para presentar una demanda.

Para prevenir una mordedura de perro, es importante que el dueño socialice al perro, reduciendo el riesgo de que muerda por miedo. En los casos en los que no se aplica la ley de mordeduras de perro, el propietario tiene dos defensas principales: allanamiento y provocación. Si la víctima de la mordedura estaba invadiendo una propiedad privada sin permiso, el propietario no puede enfrentarse a una demanda por lesiones relacionadas con el perro. Del mismo modo, si la víctima estaba provocando al perro (molestando y atormentando a propósito, o incluso abusando del perro), el propietario no es responsable.  

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They say dogs are a man’s best friend, and while it’s mostly true, like everything else in life there is an exception to the rule. Without notice or warning, a dog can attack and it’s neither enjoyable nor pleasant for the dog, owner, or victim. In Massachusetts, the dog bite law is set forth in MGL c 140, s 155. Majority of the time, the owner of the dog is liable for injuries suffered in the attack with exceptions including if the victim was trespassing, committing a crime, or abusing the dog. While most states require the plaintiff to show proof of previous aggression from the dog, Massachusetts does not. State lawmakers were so prevalent in creating strict guidelines in reference to dog bites given how serious and common they are in the state.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than half of all Massachusetts residents own a pet, and 1 in 4 households own a dog. Moreover, there are an average of 6,300 dog bite injuries reported annually, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The most common dog bite injuries include fractured bones, scars, infections (including rabies), tissue loss, and lacerations. The Department of Health reports that head and facial injuries are more common in children, while adult injuries usually consist of arm and leg injuries. Once it occurs, the victim has three years from the date of injury to file a lawsuit.

In order to prevent a dog injury bite, it is important that the owner socializes the dog, reducing the risk of the dog biting out of fear. In cases where the Dog Bite law does not apply, the owner has two main defenses: trespassing and provocation. If the victim of the bite was trespassing on private property without permission, the owner cannot face a dog related injury lawsuit. Similarly, if the victim was provoking the dog (purposely teasing and tormenting- or even abusing the dog), the owner is not liable. 

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Una lesión en el cuerpo, efectos negativos mentales o emocionales por causa de un acidente puede ser perjudicial para la salud. Al presentar una demanda por lesiones personales, es esencial obtener una compensación justa; recibir reparación no solo por las pérdidas económicas, sino también por su dolor y sufrimiento. El dolor y el sufrimiento es el dolor físico y emocional asociado con su lesión, que puede ser transmitido de persona a persona ya que le afecta a todos asociados.

Sí algunos daños relacionados con su lesión son fáciles de cuantificar, otros no lo son. Los daños que se pueden estimar con una calculadora, es decir como ejemplo, facturas médicas o salarios perdidos, se denominan como daños económicos. Sin embargo, los daños que no se pueden cuantificar se clasifican como daños no económicos tal como los emocionales y físicos. El dolor y el sufrimiento entran en esta categoría, sin embargo, hay un par de formas en las que se puede determinar un valor; El método del multiplicador y el método “Per Diem”.

El método del multiplicador es una ecuación que se utiliza con frecuencia, especialmente por las compañías de seguros para calcular las lesiones dolorosas y el sufrimiento. A través de esta ecuación, se suma todos los daños y se multiplica ese número entre 0.5-5. Sin embargo, en algunos reclamos, si los factores son abrumadores para el demandante lesionado, el multiplicador puede aumentarse a seis, siete o incluso diez. Los factores que pueden justificar con un multiplicador alto incluyen una recuperación prolongada (seis meses o más), el médico indica que sus lesiones serán recurrentes o degenerativas, o sufrirá alguna consecuencia permanente (por ejemplo, inmovilidad). Con consideración, este no es el único enfoque para cuantificar su reclamo de valor.

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An injury to the mind, body, or emotion can be detrimental to one’s health. When pursuing a personal injury claim it is essential to recover fair compensation; where you receive reparation for not only economic losses, but also for your pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is the physical and emotional pain associated with your injury- which can transform you into a different person as it takes a toll on you. 

While some damages regarding your injury are easy to quantify, others are not. Damages that can be estimated using a calculator (i.e., medical bills, lost wages) are called economic damages. However, damages that cannot be quantified are categorized as non-economic damages. Pain and Suffering falls under this category, however there are a couple of standard ways in which a value can be determined; The Multiplier Method and The “Per Diem” Method. Continue reading →

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Stages of A Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawsuit

As a MA personal injury lawyer, I am asked regularly about the stages of a Massachusetts personal injury case.

Whether you were injured in a Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall, or dog bite accident, the stages of a lawsuit are generally the following:

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There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors:

1) Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of cases)?

2) Was the client injured?

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The following is a great guest post by Maryland Personal Injury Attorney Ronald Miller of Miller & Zois regarding a recent Massachusetts case involving Virbram footwear.  Here is this incisive post:

Critics of our legal system often complain that too many people – and too many lawyers – pursue frivolous lawsuits that do nothing but enrich plaintiffs. A recent Massachusetts case against Vibram, Bezdek v. Vibram USA, underscores this problem.

In this case, the maker of a “barefoot” running shoe, may feel like one of those cases at first glance. Upon further inspection I think the case raises a number of important legal issues that are meant to protect consumers and require ethical marketing from the manufacturers of consumer products.

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How Insurance Companies Value Personal Injury Cases

Although no two insurance companies have the same approach, there are some common elements on how insurance companies value personal injury cases.  Here are some, but not all of them:

1) Is liability on the part of the insured person(s) or company clear, and if not, is there any liability at all? An example would be a a slip and fall accident claim.  The insurance adjuster will closely analyze and evaluate whether or not the insured could be considered negligent in causing, or contributing to the accident.

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This week I had a motor vehicle accident case scheduled to go to trial.  Unfortunately, for the second time, the court either did not have enough judges and/or jurors so the trial has been delayed once again.  The chances of the case proceeding to trial on its newly scheduled date are slim.  Hence, do not be at all surprised if you and your attorney(s) need to go to court more than a few times before you actually have your case presented in front of an actual jury.

Courts in Massachusetts are financially limited and this impacts everything, including trial dates, so be prepared for potentially many, many delays of your trial.

Raving Fans
"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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