
Articles Posted in Dog Bites


3 Common Mistakes MVA (motor vehicle accident) Victims Make

1. Not Filing a Police Report Filing a police report is essential in maintaining a strong case. By providing documentation of the accident, the police report allows for an unbiased third-party account of the incident. It legitimizes the claim the victim has, while also providing effectual evidence in comparison to…


7 Insider Secrets Insurance Companies DON’T Want You to Know About

Insurance companies like to play games with innocent injury victims. Don’t fall for their tricks and traps. Here are seven insider secrets insurance adjusters don’t want you to know about.  When Insurance companies tell you that their offer is final, they are not telling you the truth. Nearly every adjuster…


5 Pecados Mortales

Cuando se trata de reclamaciones por la causa de accidentes, tener cuidado es esencial ya que la decisión equivocada podría destruir tu reclamo. Como abogado que ha estado representando a víctimas de lesiones personales durante casi dos décadas, me he acostumbrado a cómo funciona el proceso en casos como estos,…


5 Deadly Sins

When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins.  To…


Que se Debe Saber Antes de Contratar un Abogado

Al respecto, cuando se compra un coche o se alquila un apartamento, hay que tener en cuenta muchas cosas, como el seguro, la calidad, el vecindario, etc. Es lo mismo a la hora de contratar a un abogado. Así como es importante contratar al abogado correcto, también es importante no…


Top 3 Things to Know When Hiring an Attorney

  Similar to buying a car, or even renting an apartment – there are many things to consider when hiring an attorney. Just as important it is to hire the right lawyer, it is equally important to avoid hiring the wrong one. Here’s some things to look out for as…


Una Mordida Fuerte Hace un Caso Fuerte

Dicen que los perros son el mejor amigo del hombre, y por la mayoría del tiempo si lo son; sin embargo, como todo en la vida, hay una excepción a la regla. Sin aviso o advertencia, un perro puede atacar y no es agradable ni placentero para el perro, el…


Barking Up the Right Case

They say dogs are a man’s best friend, and while it’s mostly true, like everything else in life there is an exception to the rule. Without notice or warning, a dog can attack and it’s neither enjoyable nor pleasant for the dog, owner, or victim. In Massachusetts, the dog bite…


What is a Personal Injury Victim Diary and Why Keep One?

If you are considering taking legal action as a result of suffering a physical injury from someone’s negligence, you might want to consider keeping a victim diary. This diary helps you keep track of your injury by providing important documentation of its complications when pursuing a legal claim. A victim…


“What is the Statute of Limitations for Massachusetts Dog Bites and Attacks?”

Generally, you have three years from the date of the accident to bring a lawsuit in Massachusetts for injuries sustained in a Massachusetts dog bite accident or attack.  Also, if you live in Massachusetts and your slip and fall accident was in a different state, then that state's laws apply.  Not…

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