Articles Posted in Settlement

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Pasos a seguir tras un accidente por resbalón y caída
Si ha sufrido un accidente por resbalón y caída en Massachusetts, a continuación se indican algunos pasos que debe seguir:

  1. Busque atención médica: Su seguridad y bienestar deben ser su máxima prioridad. Si sufre lesiones en un accidente por resbalón o caída, es importante que solicite atención médica lo antes posible. Incluso si no cree que está gravemente herido, es una buena idea que le examine un médico.
  2. Documente el accidente: Si puedes hacerlo, intenta hacer fotos o vídeos del lugar del accidente y de cualquier peligro que pueda haber causado tu caída. Anota también los nombres y datos de contacto de los testigos del accidente.
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How are slip and fall settlements calculated in Massachusetts?

Slip and fall accidents are extremely common and more often than not can cause life-lasting injuries. Just something as simple as a slippery floor without a sign can be the reason your world is turned up-side down. Suddenly, you have a concussion and a fractured ankle that are preventing you from work, and the medical bills continue to pile on while you sit in misery and pain. If you’ve been in a slip and fall accident, it might be worth knowing how much your claim is worth to alleviate some of the stress you may feel. 

No matter how your slip and fall occurred; whether at work, at the mall, or in a grocery store, in Massachusetts, the owner is usually found liable for the accident. Understanding how much your claim is worth relies on a few different things. Liability, negligence, and the severity of your injuries all tie into determining the value of the settlement.  Before negotiations begin, lawyers will have an estimate of what they believe your settlement is worth and will keep a number in mind that they are willing to settle for. This number is determined after they investigate your claim to gather the necessary documentation to prove you suffered losses and damages. Included documentation may be; medical expenses (doctor appointments, surgeries, medical devices, cost of medicine), physical therapy, mental health services, the cost of travel to/from appointments, wage losses, etc. Once financial losses are calculated, they will calculate pain and suffering. 

Settlements can be a tricky game if you are unaware of all the tricky tactics insurance adjusters use to minimize payments. If you’ve experienced a slip and fall, it is strongly recommended that you contact a personal injury lawyer in Boston that is experienced. For access to free resources and for a no-obligation, free consultation; contact our office at 617-444-7777. 

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¿Cómo se calculan los acuerdos por resbalones y caídas en Massachusetts?

Los accidentes por resbalones y caídas son extremadamente comunes y, en la mayoría de los casos, pueden causar lesiones que duran toda la vida. Algo tan sencillo como un suelo resbaladizo sin señalizar puede ser la razón por la que su mundo se ponga patas arriba. De repente, usted tiene una conmoción cerebral y una fractura de tobillo que le impiden trabajar, y las facturas médicas siguen acumulándose mientras usted se sienta en la miseria y el dolor. Si ha sufrido un accidente por resbalón y caída, puede valer la pena saber cuánto vale su reclamación para aliviar parte del estrés que puede sentir. 

Independientemente de cómo se haya producido el resbalón y la caída, ya sea en el trabajo, en el centro comercial o en una tienda de comestibles, en Massachusetts, el propietario suele ser considerado responsable del accidente. Entender cuánto vale su reclamo depende de algunas cosas diferentes. La responsabilidad, la negligencia y la gravedad de sus lesiones son factores que determinan el valor del acuerdo.  Antes de comenzar las negociaciones, los abogados tendrán una estimación de lo que creen que vale su acuerdo y mantendrán un número en mente por el que están dispuestos a llegar a un acuerdo. Esta cifra se determina después de que investiguen su reclamación para reunir la documentación necesaria que demuestre que ha sufrido pérdidas y daños. La documentación incluida puede ser: gastos médicos (citas con el médico, cirugías, dispositivos médicos, coste de los medicamentos), terapia física, servicios de salud mental, el coste de los viajes a/desde las citas, las pérdidas salariales, etc. Una vez calculadas las pérdidas económicas, calcularán el dolor y el sufrimiento. 

Los acuerdos pueden ser un juego complicado si usted no es consciente de todas las tácticas engañosas que los ajustadores de seguros utilizan para minimizar los pagos. Si usted ha experimentado un resbalón y caída, se recomienda encarecidamente que se ponga en contacto con un abogado de lesiones personales en Boston que tiene experiencia. Para acceder a recursos gratuitos y para una consulta gratuita y sin compromiso, póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina al 617-444-7777. 

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Casi todos los abogados en Boston que manejan casos de lesiones personales ofrecen a los clientes potenciales una consulta gratuita. Esto permite a una víctima de un accidente de lesiones personales para entrevistar a diferentes abogados sin incurrir en ningún costo de bolsillo. Por lo tanto, es una oportunidad para que la víctima del accidente obtenga una visión legal gratuita sobre si tiene o no una reclamación legítima que vale la pena perseguir.

Pero, ¿qué sucede exactamente durante una consulta gratuita con un abogado de lesiones personales de Boston? 

Por lo general, en la oficina del abogado, usted se reunirá con el abogado, o un asistente para el abogado, o incluso un asistente legal para el abogado. La persona con la que se reúna comenzará a preguntarle algunos antecedentes específicos sobre usted.

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Insurance companies like to play games with innocent injury victims. Don’t fall for their tricks and traps. Here are seven insider secrets insurance adjusters don’t want you to know about. 

  1. When Insurance companies tell you that their offer is final, they are not telling you the truth. Nearly every adjuster can get additional settlement authority from a supervisor to settle a case. 
  2. You do NOT have to sign anything. Never sign something an insurance adjuster sends to you without having it first reviewed by an attorney. 
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Al respecto, cuando se compra un coche o se alquila un apartamento, hay que tener en cuenta muchas cosas, como el seguro, la calidad, el vecindario, etc. Es lo mismo a la hora de contratar a un abogado. Así como es importante contratar al abogado correcto, también es importante no equivocarse de representante. Hay algunas cosas en las que uno se debe fijar cuando está buscando el abogado adecuado. 

Para empezar, ¿tiene el abogado un historial de quejas éticas? Si es así, quizás sea el momento de buscar otro abogado. Hay una gran cantidad de abogados que no tienen ningún cargo disciplinario presentado contra ellos. Siempre, revise el sitio web “’‘ para buscar un abogado que le interese y guste, para representarse. Si él o ella tiene un historial disciplinario manchado, puede ser una señal mala e indicación que debería seguir buscando otro abogado. 

En segundo lugar, ¿le promete el abogado un acuerdo rápido? Eso también puede ser una señal de alarma, no hay duda de que los casos de lesiones personales y de compensación de los trabajadores pueden tomar un tiempo considerable para resolver, a veces el proceso puede tomar muchos meses y a veces incluso años para resolver un caso. Cualquier abogado que le diga lo contrario, no está siendo sincero con usted. 

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They say dogs are a man’s best friend, and while it’s mostly true, like everything else in life there is an exception to the rule. Without notice or warning, a dog can attack and it’s neither enjoyable nor pleasant for the dog, owner, or victim. In Massachusetts, the dog bite law is set forth in MGL c 140, s 155. Majority of the time, the owner of the dog is liable for injuries suffered in the attack with exceptions including if the victim was trespassing, committing a crime, or abusing the dog. While most states require the plaintiff to show proof of previous aggression from the dog, Massachusetts does not. State lawmakers were so prevalent in creating strict guidelines in reference to dog bites given how serious and common they are in the state.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than half of all Massachusetts residents own a pet, and 1 in 4 households own a dog. Moreover, there are an average of 6,300 dog bite injuries reported annually, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The most common dog bite injuries include fractured bones, scars, infections (including rabies), tissue loss, and lacerations. The Department of Health reports that head and facial injuries are more common in children, while adult injuries usually consist of arm and leg injuries. Once it occurs, the victim has three years from the date of injury to file a lawsuit.

In order to prevent a dog injury bite, it is important that the owner socializes the dog, reducing the risk of the dog biting out of fear. In cases where the Dog Bite law does not apply, the owner has two main defenses: trespassing and provocation. If the victim of the bite was trespassing on private property without permission, the owner cannot face a dog related injury lawsuit. Similarly, if the victim was provoking the dog (purposely teasing and tormenting- or even abusing the dog), the owner is not liable. 

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Millions of Americans have Medicare health insurance coverage.  Oftentimes however, when a Medicare beneficiary is involved in a personal injury event, dealing with Medicare can be a tedious and interminable process.

By law, Medicare has an automatic lien for any medical bills they paid out on your behalf in connection with medical treatment you received stemming from a personal injury case.  There is no way to avoid such a lien, and myself, and thousands of personal injury attorneys throughout America deal with the Medicare behemoth daily.

Therefore, if you have been injured in an accident in Massachusetts, or any other state, and you are a Medicare beneficiary, your attorney (or yourself if you are pro se) will have to work with Medicare to see to it that their lien is satisfied out of any settlement or verdict proceeds.  Because even if a case is concluded, Medicare can still pursue the beneficiary, and even the attorney, if Medicare discovers their lien was not satisfied.

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1) It compensates for the medical treatment the injury victim had to endure;

2) It covers the medical bills and liens that must be paid out of the settlement;

3) It adequately compensates the injury victim for lost wages, and if applicable, future lost wages or impairment of earning capacity;

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Helpful Tips for Those Going Through the Insurance Claims Process

The aftermath of an auto accident, slip and fall, injury at work, or any other injury causing event can cause great stress to not only the injury victim, but also to his or her family.  Oftentimes, the experience of going through the personal injury claim process can be just as anguishing as the personal injury event that lead to the claim.

In order to make the aftermath just a little easier for you, here are my tips to those who have an attorney and are going through the typically frustrating and lengthy personal injury claim process:

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"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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