What To Expect At A Free Consultation With A Boston Personal Injury Attorney

Nearly each and every attorney in Boston that handles personal injury cases offers free consultations. This allows a victim of a personal injury accident to interview different attorneys without incurring any costs. It is an opportunity for the accident victim to get free legal insight as to whether or not his or her claim is worth pursuing. But what exactly happens during a free consultation with a Boston personal injury attorney?

At the attorney’s office, you’ll meet with either the attorney or an assistant or paralegal for the attorney. That individual will begin by asking basic background questions to you. You’ll be asked very basic questions such as what is your name, your date of birth, education level, marital status; employment questions will be asked, as well as any and all other necessary background information gathering. Gathering this specific biographical information is important because the insurance company will need to know this information when presented with the accident victim’s claim. As a side note, it is advisable to bring with you to the attorney’s office for your free consultation, any and all paperwork that you have. This includes any police reports, photographs of the scene of the accident, photographs of your injuries, etc.

Once the biographical questions are asked, then the individual giving you your free consultation will want to know exactly how the accident occurred. He or she will want to know the date and time of the accident, the location of the accident, whether or not there were any witnesses, etc. For example, if you had a car accident, this person will want to know as many specific facts about the accident as possible. Similarly, for a workers’ compensation accident or a slip and fall accident, gathering as much information as to how the accident occurred is crucial.

Next, you will be asked about your injuries stemming from the accident. You’ll be asked in specific detail exactly what body parts were injured in the accident. As well, you will be asked for the names of any and all places where you have received to date medical treatment to address your injuries. For example, if you had a bicycle accident in Massachusetts, it will be important for the attorney or the attorney’s assistant to gather from you all of the names of medical facilities who treated you for your injuries. This is very, very important because the attorney’s office during the case will absolutely need to request and obtain any and all of your medical records stemming from your accident-related medical treatment.

If the attorney decides to take your case and represent you, then you’ll be asked to sign a contingency fee agreement. This is essentially a services contract by which the attorney’s office agrees to represent you in connection with your accident. Keep in mind that this fee agreement is structured so that the attorney only gets paid if the case settles, and if the case does settle, the attorney will collect his or her contingency fee percentages outlined in the contingent-free agreement

Additionally, you’ll be asked to sign medical authorization forms. These documents allow the attorney’s office to lawfully collect your medical records. By law, an individual cannot collect the medical records of another individual without prior written authorization. This written authorization is called a HIPPA authorization. Once those forms are signed, then you are officially represented by the attorney’s office for your accident case.

If you have further questions about what occurs during a consultation with a Boston personal injury attorney, please call the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers today at 617-444-7777.

At Earley Law Group, we understand how overwhelming things can be after suffering an unexpected injury. You’re facing high medical bills that don’t stop pouring in. You’re feeling financial strain because your injury has forced you to miss work. Worst of all, your day-to-day pain and suffering weigh heavily on your mind every single minute. All because of someone else’s negligence.