
If You Assume Your Claim is Not Worth Pursuing, You Could Be Wrong

Many of my clients, at the end of their case, often tell me that they were not going to pursue their case initially.  They tell me that once they realized the insurance company did not care about them, as their medical bills soared, and their injuries just got worse, is when they decided to contact my office.

Here are a few success stories from my firm, in representing people who initially thought their case was not worth pursuing:

-Woman goes to restaurant where she sustains very bad knee injuries, requiring surgery.  Case settles for $150,000.00;

-Woman slips and falls outside  a store and breaks one of her ankles, requiring surgery. Case settles for $75,000.00;

-Man is injured on a bicycle when the operator of a motor vehicle suddenly opens up his driver's side door.  Case settles for policy limit of $50,000.00.

Please know that these examples are intended for informational purposes only. My firm does not and cannot guarantee any specific results as each and every case is unique with its own facts and circumstances. 

If you think you may have a case, we would be happy to give you a free consultation to explain what your rights are.

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