
Articles Posted in MBTA Claims


Tres Cosas que hay que hacer tras un accidente de trabajo

Los resbalones, tropiezos y caídas representan un tercio de todos los daños personales en el lugar de trabajo. Los tipos de lesiones que se producen incluyen lesiones en la cabeza, la espalda y el cuello, roturas de huesos, cortes, esguinces y tirones musculares. Es esencial informar del accidente de trabajo…


Qué Esperar en una Consulta Gratuita con el abogado Chris Earley

Casi todos los abogados en Boston que manejan casos de lesiones personales ofrecen a los clientes potenciales una consulta gratuita. Esto permite a una víctima de un accidente de lesiones personales para entrevistar a diferentes abogados sin incurrir en ningún costo de bolsillo. Por lo tanto, es una oportunidad para…


7 Insider Secrets Insurance Companies DON’T Want You to Know About

Insurance companies like to play games with innocent injury victims. Don’t fall for their tricks and traps. Here are seven insider secrets insurance adjusters don’t want you to know about.  When Insurance companies tell you that their offer is final, they are not telling you the truth. Nearly every adjuster…


5 Pecados Mortales

Cuando se trata de reclamaciones por la causa de accidentes, tener cuidado es esencial ya que la decisión equivocada podría destruir tu reclamo. Como abogado que ha estado representando a víctimas de lesiones personales durante casi dos décadas, me he acostumbrado a cómo funciona el proceso en casos como estos,…


5 Deadly Sins

When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins.  To…


Top 3 Things to Know When Hiring an Attorney

  Similar to buying a car, or even renting an apartment – there are many things to consider when hiring an attorney. Just as important it is to hire the right lawyer, it is equally important to avoid hiring the wrong one. Here’s some things to look out for as…


The Real Cost of Pain

An injury to the mind, body, or emotion can be detrimental to one’s health. When pursuing a personal injury claim it is essential to recover fair compensation; where you receive reparation for not only economic losses, but also for your pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is the physical and…


Is Your Accident Claim Worth Pursuing?

There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors: 1) Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of…


Helpful Map Showing County Juror Tendencies

Slip and fall cases can be challenging to win at trial in Massachusetts.  Each county in Massachusetts is unique and within each county sits jurors with unique life experiences with their own opinions regarding whether or not injury victims are deserving of compensation.  Defense lawyers and insurance claims adjusters, when…

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