
Articles Posted in Product Liability Law


5 Pecados Mortales

Cuando se trata de reclamaciones por la causa de accidentes, tener cuidado es esencial ya que la decisión equivocada podría destruir tu reclamo. Como abogado que ha estado representando a víctimas de lesiones personales durante casi dos décadas, me he acostumbrado a cómo funciona el proceso en casos como estos,…


5 Deadly Sins

When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins.  To…


Que se Debe Saber Antes de Contratar un Abogado

Al respecto, cuando se compra un coche o se alquila un apartamento, hay que tener en cuenta muchas cosas, como el seguro, la calidad, el vecindario, etc. Es lo mismo a la hora de contratar a un abogado. Así como es importante contratar al abogado correcto, también es importante no…


Top 3 Things to Know When Hiring an Attorney

  Similar to buying a car, or even renting an apartment – there are many things to consider when hiring an attorney. Just as important it is to hire the right lawyer, it is equally important to avoid hiring the wrong one. Here’s some things to look out for as…


Is Your Accident Claim Worth Pursuing?

There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors: 1) Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of…


Stryker Hip Implant Recall Claims

For people with Stryker hip implants, please be advised that Stryker has recalled two hip replacement products.  It has recalled the Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II modular hip implant products.  The reason for the recall is that it was discovered these devices can cause metal poisoning to those with the…


Guest Post Regarding Vibram Footwear Litigation

The following is a great guest post by Maryland Personal Injury Attorney Ronald Miller of Miller & Zois regarding a recent Massachusetts case involving Virbram footwear.  Here is this incisive post: Critics of our legal system often complain that too many people – and too many lawyers – pursue frivolous…


How Insurance Companies Value Personal Injury Cases

How Insurance Companies Value Personal Injury Cases Although no two insurance companies have the same approach, there are some common elements on how insurance companies value personal injury cases.  Here are some, but not all of them: 1) Is liability on the part of the insured person(s) or company clear,…


What Is Negligence?

What Is Negligence? Negligence in Massachusetts, and in all states, means failing to act reasonably in a situation and causing injury to a person(s) as a direct result.  As a Boston accident lawyer, negligence is the lynchpin of each case my office handles. Whether it be a Massachusetts car accident,…


Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases and Settlement Funding

Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases and Settlement Funding This is a topic I deal with quite frequently when representing personal injury victims. Often, my clients will call me and tell me the accident they were involved in has financially harmed them so much, they are willing to take a loan out. …

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