Articles Posted in Slip and Fall Accidents

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Los dueños de negocios deben mantener sus instalaciones seguras, para evitar negligentemente que los visitantes legales de la propiedad puedan resultar lesionados. Si la negligencia del dueño de una propiedad hace que alguien se resbale y se caiga, esa persona puede potencialmente presentar un reclamo o una demanda contra el dueño de la propiedad.

No hay forma de evitar completamente estos reclamos si posee una propiedad. Sin embargo, hay formas de reducir el número de peligros potenciales que pueden causar lesiones personales que dan lugar a estas reclamaciones por accidentes. Éstos son algunos de ellos:

  1. Asegúrese siempre de realizar chequeos periódicos y regulares para comprobar que no hay presencia de fugas o derrames;
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Many people at work must frequently walk on wet or slippery surfaces. If you fell while working you may have a workers’ compensation case to pursue. If this happened to you, be sure to read our free book The Truth About Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Accidents. 

For many workers such as those who work in construction, they are constantly exposed to the risk of slips and falls. If you had a work injury in Massachusetts and miss 5 days from work, your employer must complete a form 101. This form must be filed within 7 days of your 5th missed day from work. The form is then sent to your employer’s workers compensation insurance company. The insurance company has 14 days following its receipt of the form 101 to start paying you, or to deny your claim.

If the insurance company agrees to start paying you, they will file a form 103. If they deny your case, they will file a form 104. If the insurance company denies your case, then a claim for benefits needs to be filed. That is done with the filing of a form 110. 

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Muchas personas en el trabajo deben caminar frecuentemente sobre superficies húmedas o resbaladizas. Si se cayó mientras trabajaba, es posible que tenga un caso de indemnización por accidentes de trabajo. Si esto le sucedió, asegúrese de leer nuestro libro gratuito La verdad sobre los accidentes de trabajo en Massachusetts. 

Muchos trabajadores, como los que trabajan en la construcción, están constantemente expuestos al riesgo de resbalones y caídas. Si tuvo una lesión laboral en Massachusetts y faltó 5 días al trabajo, su empleador debe completar un formulario 101. Este formulario debe presentarse dentro de los 7 días de su quinto día de ausencia del trabajo. A continuación, el formulario se envía a la compañía de seguros de compensación de los trabajadores de su empleador. La compañía de seguros dispone de 14 días a partir de la recepción del formulario 101 para empezar a pagarle o para rechazar su reclamación.

Si la compañía de seguros está de acuerdo en empezar a pagarle, presentará el formulario 103. Si rechaza su caso, presentará un formulario 104. Si la compañía de seguros rechaza su caso, es necesario presentar una reclamación de prestaciones. Eso se hace con la presentación de un formulario 110. 

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Economic damages are damages that are quantifiable and it is easy to determine monetary value. Some common economic damages are; medical expenses, lost wages, punitive damages, and disability benefits. With medical expenses, the injured victim would be compensated for medical treatments (present and future) that are necessary for recovery from the incident related injuries. The victim would additionally be compensated for lost income due to hospitalization or disability resulting from the incident. With disability benefits, victims are eligible if they require long term physical care or have had sufficient medical care and still are permanently disabled due to their injuries. Finally, punitive damages are awarded when there is proof that the property owner intentionally wanted to cause harm. 

Pain and Suffering falls under the category on ‘non economic damages’, however there are a couple of standard ways in which a value can be determined; The Multiplier Method and The “Per Diem” Method. The Multiplier Method is an equation frequently used (specifically by insurance companies) to calculate Pain and Suffering damages. Through this equation, you add up all of the damages and multiply that number between one point five to five. However, in some claims, if the factors are overwhelming for the injured plaintiff, the multiplier may be increased to six, seven, or even ten. Factors that can justify a high multiplier include an elongated recovery (six months or more), physician indicates that your injuries will be recurring or degenerative, or you suffer some permanent consequence (i.e immobility). Nonetheless, this is not the only approach to quantifying your value claim. The “Per Diem” Method (“per diem” being Latin for per day) is the other common approach used in determining the value of a Pain and Suffering claim. The idea is to demand a specific value amount based on every day you had to live with the pain caused by your accident. This however can be tricky when justifying the daily rate utilized. The daily rate is mostly determined based on the daily wage earned.

If you’ve been in a slip and fall situation, please call our office at 617-444-7777. We’ll send you a FREE copy of our book, The Truth about Massachusetts Slip and Falls so you have all the information necessary to win your case! 

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Hay dos tipos de daños concedidos en un acuerdo de resbalón y caída: daños económicos y no económicos.

Los daños económicos son daños que son cuantificables y es fácil determinar el valor monetario. Algunos daños económicos comunes son: gastos médicos, salarios perdidos, daños punitivos y beneficios por incapacidad. En el caso de los gastos médicos, la víctima lesionada sería compensada por los tratamientos médicos (presentes y futuros) que son necesarios para recuperarse de las lesiones relacionadas con el incidente. Además, la víctima sería compensada por la pérdida de ingresos debida a la hospitalización o a la incapacidad resultante del incidente. En el caso de las prestaciones por incapacidad, las víctimas tienen derecho a ellas si necesitan cuidados físicos a largo plazo o han recibido suficiente atención médica y siguen estando permanentemente incapacitadas debido a sus lesiones. Por último, las indemnizaciones punitivas se conceden cuando hay pruebas de que el propietario quiso causar daño intencionadamente. 

El dolor y el sufrimiento entran en la categoría de “daños no económicos”, sin embargo hay un par de formas estándar en las que se puede determinar un valor; el método del multiplicador y el método “per diem”.

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The Insurance Company is Calling Me. Should I Speak With Them?

Absolutely not. Nothing good can come from you speaking with an insurance adjuster before you have hired a lawyer to represent you.

What if I was Partly at Fault For My Slip and Fall Accident?

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La compañía de seguros me está llamando. ¿Debo hablar con ellos?

En absoluto. No hay nada bueno en hablar con un ajustador de seguros antes de haber contratado a un abogado para que lo represente.

¿Qué pasa si tengo parte de la culpa en mi accidente de resbalón y caída?

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Because of our climate here in New England, slips and falls on snow and ice are quite common. Generally, these cases are claims for negligence against a snow plow company, property owner, or other potentially responsible party.

The burden is on the injury victim to show that the party responsible for snow and ice removal where you fell failed to reasonably remove the snow, ice, or both, which led to your injury. These cases are very fact specific and have become easier to win due to changes in recent years to Massachusetts snow and ice law. Before 2010, Massachusetts landowners would only be held liable for negligence if there was an “unnatural accumulation” of snow and ice on their property. Proving that standard was met was very difficult. That basically meant the courthouse doors were closed for these claims. The burden is on the injury victim to show that the party responsible for snow and ice removal where you fell failed to reasonably remove the snow, ice, or both.

That prior legal standard for snow and ice liability would be replaced by the groundbreaking case of Papadopoulos v. Target Corporation. In that case, the highest court in Massachusetts, the Supreme Judicial Court, decided in that case that landowners must keep their properties reasonably clear of snow and ice. That does not mean landowners must make sure there is not a single shred of snow and ice on their property. Rather, what it means is that deciding what is “reasonable” removal of snow and ice would be judged on a case by case basis. The courts were welcoming cases they previously rejected. That means thousands of Massachusetts slip and fall victims would now be able to be compensated for their injuries. 

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Debido a nuestro clima aquí en Nueva Inglaterra, los resbalones y caídas en la nieve y el hielo son bastante comunes. Por lo general, estos casos son demandas por negligencia contra una empresa de quitanieves empresa quitanieves, dueño de la propiedad, u otra parte potencialmente responsable.

La carga está en la víctima de la lesión para demostrar que la parte responsable de la remoción de la nieve y el hielo en el que se cayó no se retiró razonablemente la nieve, el hielo, o ambos, lo que condujo a su lesión. Estos casos son muy específicos y se han vuelto más fáciles de ganar debido a los cambios en los últimos años a la ley de nieve y hielo de Massachusetts. Antes de 2010, los propietarios de tierras de Massachusetts sólo serían responsables por negligencia si había una “acumulación no natural” de nieve y hielo en su propiedad. Demostrar que se cumplía esa norma era muy difícil. Eso básicamente significaba que las puertas de los tribunales estaban cerradas para estas reclamaciones. La carga de la víctima de la lesión es demostrar que la parte responsable de la eliminación de la nieve y el hielo en el lugar en el que se cayó no eliminó razonablemente la nieve, el hielo, o ambos.

Esa norma legal anterior para la responsabilidad por la nieve y el hielo sería reemplazada por el caso innovador de Papadopoulos contra Target Corporation. En ese caso, el más alto tribunal de Massachusetts, el Tribunal Judicial Supremo, decidió que los propietarios deben mantener sus propiedades razonablemente limpias de nieve y hielo. Eso no significa que los propietarios deban asegurarse de que no haya ni una sola pizca de nieve y hielo en su propiedad. Más bien, lo que significa es que la decisión de lo que es una eliminación “razonable” de la nieve y el hielo de la nieve y el hielo se juzgará caso por caso. Los tribunales están acogiendo casos que antes rechazaban. Eso significa que miles de víctimas de resbalones y caídas de Massachusetts podrían ahora ser compensadas por sus lesiones. 

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Insurance companies are similar to a two-faced snake. They claim to be on the victim’s side until the victim becomes an “inconvenience” to them. They hire negotiators whose sole purpose is to shake down victims and manipulate the situation to save themselves a few dollars. Here are 4 ways insurance companies rip victims off:

  1. An insurance company will use your words against you. Assume anything you say to a representative of an insurer is being recorded and analyzed for them, so it’s important not only what information we share but also how that comes across in the conversation with our adjusters following accidents or claims.. When speaking with someone who has been hired as either an adjuster (the person looking at damages) estimator(someone determining value), lawyer etc., make sure they know everything about their job before starting any discussion – this could save oneself time later down the road! For starters: never assume anything. 
  2. Insurers love to throw out false accusations in an attempt at scaring you into submission. They might claim that their offer is final, or worse yet–they may even threaten your driver’s license! But don’t let them get away with it; just remember what is commonly said: “If they lie about one thing, then there are two more lies waiting around the corner.”
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"I find Christopher Earley to be one of the most professional and compassionate attorneys I have ever met. After having a personal injury, what you need is expertise, experience, and especially compassion and kindness. All of these things define Christopher Earley. I highly recommend Christopher Earley and The Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers to anyone that needs a personal injury attorney!" Susan N.
"Great help with my case. Responses are fast and make me feel very well represented. This man is the guy to call." Hugh R.
"Chris helped me with an extremely difficult time in my life due to a car accident. Even after the settlement, he continued to advocate for me when I was receiving collections notices that were not valid. You can feel assured he will do a great job." Angela C.
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