
Articles Posted in Boston


Best Lawyer Movies of This Century

In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, one genre has consistently captivated audiences and critics alike for its ability to blend the intricacies of the law with the raw emotions of human drama—the lawyer movie. From riveting courtroom battles to the moral dilemmas faced by legal professionals, these films have left…


Consejos de un abogado de accidentes de auto después de un choque

  Experimentar un accidente de coche puede causar una intensa angustia emocional y física. El choque abrupto, los ruidos de los neumáticos y el subidón de adrenalina pueden provocar un dolor emocional duradero, así como casos de lesiones físicas. En medio de la confusión, sentirse perdido e incierto sobre los…


Qué hacer en un accidente de motocicleta en Massachusetts

Los accidentes de motocicleta pueden ser experiencias aterradoras y traumáticas. Las secuelas inmediatas de un accidente de motocicleta pueden ser caóticas, pero saber qué pasos seguir puede ayudar a proteger sus derechos, garantizar su seguridad y facilitar el proceso de reclamos. Si sufre un accidente de motocicleta en Massachusetts, a…


Don’t Have a Lawyer and the Insurance Company is Contacting You?

Don’t Have a Lawyer and the Insurance Company is Contacting You? Each and every day Massachusetts auto insurance companies, upon learning of an auto accident in which they may have to pay out money damages, will contact you.  They will send an insurance adjuster to the home of the injured…


Factors that Help Determine if a Massachusetts Personal Injury Settlement Offer is Fair

1) It compensates for the medical treatment the injury victim had to endure; 2) It covers the medical bills and liens that must be paid out of the settlement; 3) It adequately compensates the injury victim for lost wages, and if applicable, future lost wages or impairment of earning capacity;…


Defenses Used By Insurance Companies When Fighting a Auto Accident Claim

I found the following over at the Taradash Law Firm web site which lists 72 common defenses used by insurance companies to avoid paying money to those injured in motor vehicle accidents. A big thank you is in order to the Taradash Law Firm – an Illinois law firm dedicated…


‘If I Fell In a Store, Do They Have to Give Me a Copy of the Surveillance Video?’

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a retail store, the store does not have a legal duty to provide you with a copy of the video.  The only real way to obtain the video of your fall is by suing the store for your injuries. …


What is Negligence?

Negligence is one of three prongs of tort law (the two others being strict liability and intentional wrongs, but more on these in future posts).  Negligence is defined by Black's Law Dictionary (Second Ed.) as "The failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have…


What is Negligence?

Negligence is one of three prongs of tort law (the two others being strict liability and intentional wrongs, but more on these in future posts).  Negligence is defined by Black's Law Dictionary (Second Ed.) as "The failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have…


What is Negligence?

Negligence is one of three prongs of tort law (the two others being strict liability and intentional wrongs, but more on these in future posts).  Negligence is defined by Black's Law Dictionary (Second Ed.) as "The failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have…

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