
Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyer 

Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyer  
Massachusetts workers compensation law can be a confusing topic.  If you were hurt at work, understanding workers compensation is very important.  That is because if you don’t know what rights you have, you won’t know rights you can potentially lose.
As a Massachusetts workers compensation lawyer, I help you to protect and maximize all the rights you are entitled to as an injured worker.
It is important to have representation on your side of that you may collect all the workers comp benefits you are entitled to.  So what are those benefits?  Here they are:

Payment For Medical Bills

One of the rights you have under Massachusetts workers compensation law is to have your medical bills paid. The workers compensation insurance company for your employer is who pays these bills.  In order for the bills to be paid, they must be reasonable, necessary, and related to the accident.
You may go to whichever doctors you wish to go to for your medical treatment.  It is not required that you treat with the insurance company’s doctors.  However, if an Independent Medical Exam (IME) is scheduled, you must attend this exam.  The insurance company will provide transportation to you.

Payment For Lost Wages

If you are disabled from working due to the work accident or at least five days (they do not have to be consecutive), you have the right to be paid for your lost wages.  The weekly benefits you can receive is based on your average weekly wage (AWW).  This amount takes into account your gross earnings for the last 52 weeks prior to the accident, and then that number is divided by 52 to arrive at your average weekly wage.
If you are totally disabled from working, then you may collect temporary total disability benefits (TTD).  This amount is 60% of your average weekly wage.  Massachusetts law caps these benefits at 3 years.
If you are temporarily partially disabled (TPD) from working, then you can receive 75% of your TTD rate. Massachusetts workers compensation law caps these rates at 4 years.
These benefits are not subject to state or federal taxes.

Payment for Scarring and Loss of Function

If your work injury accident left you with any type of scarring on your face, hands, or neck, you can receive compensation for such scarring.  The maximum amount for scarring is set by law at $ 15,000.  The way to have the scarring measured and evaluated is to file a claim in order for the scarring to be evaluated by a conciliator at the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents.
You may also collect benefits for any loss of function the injury has left you with.  A doctor will examine you and write a report documenting the particulars of your loss of function.  The amount of benefits you will receive will depend on the findings of the doctor in his/her written report.

Which Court Hears These Matters?

The Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents is the court in which workers compensation disputes are heard.  This court is an administrative law court whichever only hears workers compensation matters, and nothing else.  The court has branches located in Boston (its central location), Lawrence, Fall River, Worcester, and Springfield.  The address of the claimant determines which branch is appropriate.

A Massachusetts Workers Compensation Lawyer That Can Help 

Finding the right injury lawyer can be a hard process and decision to make.  We make it easy for you.
We are Massachusetts lawyers for workers compensation victims that fight for injured workers.  Call today for your free, no-obligation consultation to see how we can help you with your work injury case.

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