
What To Do Before And After A Motor Vehicle Accident 

What To Do Before And After A Motor Vehicle Accident 

Everyone at some point will be involved in an auto accident.  Because of this, it makes good sense to take the appropriate steps before and after a car wreck to make sure you are in the best position possible.  Here are some easy steps to take to help you when an accident happens.

Before An Accident 

Buy enough auto insurance.  Make sure you purchase adequate amounts of bodily injury, underinsured, and uninsured motorist protection insurance. Buy as much car insurance as you can afford.
Make sure your vehicle is well-maintained.  Keeping your vehicle in good working order can greatly help avoid system failures, and keep you safe in the event of an accident.

After An Accident

Collect the other driver’s information, and get as much identifying information on the other driver that you can.
Call the police.  Having the police come to the scene and accurately record what happened ensures the police report created will reflect exactly what happened and who was at fault.
Photograph the scene and all damage to the vehicles involved. Smartphones take great photos so be sure to use this capability after a car accident.
Seek proper medical treatment. If you feel injured, get checked out.  Obtaining medical help without unnecessary delay will help alleviate your symptoms.
Do not communicate at all with the other driver’s insurance company.  There is a reason they are contacting you: to minimize your case as much as possible before you can get an attorney.

Contact a Local Car Accident Lawyer

If you sustained injuries there really is no reason not to have qualified legal representation on your side.  Plus, personal injury lawyers everywhere handle these cases on a contingency fee basis.

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