
Firing Your Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyer

Firing Your Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyer
Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the attorney/client relationship can sometimes sour.  At times, things get so bad that the client decides to fire the personal injury attorney and seen new counsel.  This is relatively common and not at all unusual.  What many personal injury clients do not know is that they are free to fire their attorney anytime, for any reason.  In fact, you do not even need a reason.  Either before, or during the course of a lawsuit, you are free to transfer your case from one lawyer to another and you will not be penalized for doing so.  This applies to all personal injury lawyers, including car accident attorneys, but also attorneys in all other areas of law.
Poor communication is the most common reason cited by injury victims who call me and tell me they want to change attorneys.  Oftentimes I hear “My attorney does not listen to me” or “My lawyer does not call me back.”  This is common as poor communication from the attorney kills many attorney/client relationships.  Sometimes, the relationship can be saved.  When it cannot, it is time to find a new attorney.
The reason clients can change lawyers is because the attorney/client relationship is a contractual arrangement that can be ended by either party to the contract.  That way parties are free to enter and exit contractual relationships as they see fit, and are not beholden to one another.  If a lawsuit has been filed, then the attorney will need permission from a judge to exit the representation.  Contact us today if you have additional questions.

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