
“Why Is My Personal Injury Case Taking So Long to Settle?”

When you have been involved in a Massachusetts accident, and you hire an attorney, it can take months, or even years, for the case to come to a conclusion.

First, your case cannot even be attempted to be resolved until you have completed your medical treatment.  Once you do reach a medical end result with your treatment, your attorney can fully appreciate the extent of your injuries, and your medical bills.  At that point in time, your attorney can then effectively try to persuade the insurance company to pay you a fair and reasonable sum for your losses from the accident.

Second, at times, and before litigation, it can take months, even after you concluded your treatment, for the negotiation process to finally come to an end.

Third, if your case is put into litigation, this can delay the process even more.  Once your file ends up on the defense attorney's desk, expect futher delays.  The defense attorney will probably want to conduct 'full discovery' which means more delays.

Therefore, no matter what stage you are in with your Massachusetts injury claim, please know that the process from start to finish can often take a great deal of time in order for the case to be properly and effectively resolved.

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