
Articles Posted in Boston slip and fall attorney


Injured in a Slip and Fall on Snow and Ice Accident? No Legal Fee Unless Successful

With the recent changes to Massachusetts snow and ice law, those who have the bad fortune of injuring themselves on snow and ice will have a easier time proving negligence. If you, or someone you know, has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Boston, or anywhere in…


Boston Work Injury Lawyer

Boston Work Injury Lawyer As a Boston work injury lawyer, I get asked this question very often. The answer is, it depends.  If you fell at work in Massachusetts, you cannot sue your employer.  But, you can make a claim for Massachusetts workers compensation benefits with your employer’s insurance company.…


Massachusetts Slip and Fall Accidents at Retail Stores and Incident Reports

Generally in Massachusetts, if you slip and fall at a retail store, the store will refuse to give to you a copy of the incident report.  The insurance adjuster assigned to your claim will also refuse to give to you a copy, even if you have an attorney working the case…

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