
Boston Car Accident Attorney FAQs

Boston Car Accident Attorney FAQs
Boston has a reputation for being a very dangerous place to drive.  That means there is going to be a fair share of accidents as a result. As a Boston car accident attorney, I see day after day people injured in car accidents due to negligence.  If you were injured in a car crash and have questions, below are some answers to some commonly asked car accident FAQs.

What I am entitled to?

Whether you were a driver or passenger, the insurance company that insures the car you were in will pay for your reasonable and necessary medical bills caused by the accident.  They will also pay 75% of your lost wages as well.  These are no-fault, PIP (Personal Injury Protection) benefits.  The maximum PIP available is $ 8,000, although some people carry Medical Payments on their policy as well which will pay for medical bills as well.

Can I get pain and suffering?

If you were not at fault for the accident, and your medical bills are at least $ 2,000, then you may make a claim for pain and suffering against with the car insurance company that insures the driver that caused the accident.  If the medical bills are less than $ 2,000, then you may not collect pain and suffering damages.

How much will my case settle for?

That depends on a series of different factors.  Some include, the amount of your medical bills; time lost from work; the nature and extent of your injuries; any permanent injuries you are left with; whether there are any liens that must be paid back; etc.

What If I am at fault for the accident?

If you were determined to be responsible for the accident, then you can get your medical bills and lost wages paid.  You can’t however collect pain and suffering damages.  If a lawsuit is brought against you for the crash, then your insurance company will provide you with attorneys to defend the lawsuit.

What is negligence?

Negligence with car crash cases is failing to reasonably operate a motor vehicle.

Who pays for the damage to my car?

If you have collision you can go through your own insurance company to get the car fixed.  If you do not have collision coverage, you need to make a claim with the insurance company for the driver who caused the accident.

Boston Car Accident Attorney

If you need a Boston car accident attorney, call us today for your free consultation.  We don’t get paid unless we win your case.  Call today to get the help you need.

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